9 Most Common Types of Mental Health Issues


Mental health issues are more common than you may think. However, identifying the signs can be quite challenging, since the emotions may be interpreted as moody or emotional instead. It can be difficult to differentiate between mental health issues and other dramatic physical, emotional, social and mental changes.

Below are the nine most common types of mental health issues that you may encounter:

1. Depression

This is the most prevalent mental disorder among many people. Depression can affect a person’s attitude and emotions, making them feel unusually sad for more than two weeks at a time. Symptoms include low self-esteem, loss of pleasure in otherwise enjoyable activities, problems with sleep, low energy and concentration.

Depression does not only result from few or excess brain chemicals as often depicted. Genetics, social events, medical issues and the environment can be the breeding ground for depression as well. If not treated, depression can lead to isolation, poor performance in work and suicidal thoughts. Consider therapy, antidepressants, and mental health treatment to fight this disorder effectively.

2. Eating Disorder

This refers to extreme and abnormal eating behaviours. This disorder includes anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge eating. Among mental disorders, anorexia nervosa has the highest death rate as it leads to starvation, metabolic collapse or suicide.

Bulimia is a chronic eating disorder where one forces him or herself to vomit after eating. The result is a dramatic weight loss. Binging on food, on the other hand, is a rapid and excessive consumption of food leading to unhealthy weight gain. People with these types of mental health issues are at a high risk of substance abuse.

3. Anxiety Disorder

People with anxiety disorder experience excessive tension, worry and fear. It’s categorized into a generalized anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, social anxiety disorder and phobias.

Significant symptoms include feeling restless or being on edge, experiencing muscle tension, struggling with sleep, having extreme self-consciousness, and fear of humiliation or embarrassment. Psychotherapy and medication play an essential role in controlling and managing the symptoms of anxiety.

4. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

This disorder is characterized by impulsiveness, hyperactivity, and inattentiveness. Most people suffering from this disorder are often extraordinarily restless or inattentive. ADHD is accompanied by other conditions such as anxiety disorders, sleep problems, learning difficulties and depression. With the appropriate support, advice, and medication, ADHD can be managed.

5. Substance Use Disorder

People use drugs, alcohol and self-medication to deal with depression, anxiety, low self-esteem and trauma. Substance use becomes an unhealthy and dangerous coping mechanism. If used for a long time, it can lead to addiction.

Scientists contend that peer pressure, an environment that condones heavy drug use, and genetical predisposition, increase the likelihood of substance use disorder among people. Consider visiting a counsellor for assessment and treatment if someone you know is exposed to these mental health issues.

6. Conduct Disorder

This disorder comprises of behavioural and emotional problems among many people. Symptoms of conduct disorder are categorized into aggressive behaviours such as fighting and bullying, destructive behaviours such as vandalism, deceptive behaviours such as lying, and a violation of rules such as running away from home.

People with conduct disorder may appear tough and confident, but in reality, they are vulnerable and insecure. Genetic causes or environmental factors may contribute to this disorder. Still, with early treatment, the progression of this disorder could be checked.

7. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

This disorder is characterized by uncontrollable, recurring and unreasonable thoughts, urges and fears. Symptoms include aggressive feelings towards others or self, an urge to have everything symmetrical, compulsive counting, fear of germs and excessive cleaning.

People with these types of mental health issues generally can’t control their behaviour even when they are excessive. They don’t get pleasure when performing specific tasks but experience brief relief while doing them. Also, they may suffer significant problems in their daily life due to these thoughts and behaviours. If you recognize obsessive-compulsive disorder symptoms, seek a doctor’s help.

8. Trauma

Tragic events such as accidents, childhood abuse, natural disasters or loss of a loved one can lead to trauma. Such events can lead to stress, isolation and poor performance in work or school. A single traumatic event is referred to as acute trauma that leads to traumatic stress or post-traumatic stress. Chronic trauma, on the other hand, is ongoing traumatic events such as domestic violence or child abuse.

9. Schizophrenia

This is a chronic, lifelong disease that often sets in as we grow older. People with schizophrenia have difficulty processing personal emotions. They become wholly detached from reality. The chemical makeup, brain structure and processing ability of a person with schizophrenia differ from that of other people. Seek medical attention to understand the disease and keep it under control.


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